1: Plan4 peace change makers Connecting Hearts, Connecting Minds, Connecting Communities.
Changemakers in Turbulent Times
Welcome to the Changemakers in Turbulent Times Programme 2023
If you haven’t done so already, we invite you to take time to tune in to why you made the decision to join this course and to write down, as a note for you, what personal transformation you are desiring over our 10 weeks together.
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From 14 March, we will meet for every online session at 10am-12pm GMT in a Zoom meeting room. We will update this page and the Zoom room details space with the meeting link shortly. Please save this link for future and we kindly request that you don’t share it further).
You’ll need to use the desktop version on a work computer or you can download the app if using a personal device (which we recommend!).
Please try to join the session in a quiet, private location, if possible, with a good internet connection. We think we’ll all get the most out of the programme if, where possible, everyone has their video on – it’s a great way to connect with all the other inspiring changemakers!
Please also block out 15 minutes before our first meeting to get set up on Zoom. We’ll be there ahead of time to help you out if it’s not going to plan!
We very much look forward to meeting you all on Tuesday 7 March and if you have any further queries don’t hesitate to reach out to Ruby, at:
Warmest wishes,
The Changemakers in Turbulent Times team at Plan for Peace

2: Mediation with Restorative Justice HUB Bradford
Cases referred by Police to Restorative Hub Bradford were resolved through Mediation, Restorative Justice and culturally, religiously appropriate approaches.

3: Near neighborhood community cohesion church project
Creating resilience, community cohesion through capacity building , sharing and developing of publicity material in Bradford community.

4: Workshop on non-violence servants of GOD
Workshop were arranged with Peace Museum and Bradford University Peace Department
On servants of GOD movement non-violent peace struggle
5: DISPUTE RESOLUTION IN Khyber Pukhtoon-Khawa Province of PAKISTAN (Funded by The Asia Foundation & Aus-AID)
Specific Objectives:
To increase citizens’ knowledge of and participation in community dispute resolution.
To enhance the ability of the state to facilitate the peaceful resolution of conflict by strengthening community dispute resolution mechanisms.
Areas of Intervention:
All Districts o Khyber Pukhtoon-Khawa
Major Activities
Capacity Building of Police Force & Community for speedy resolution of conflict through Restorative Justice System & Jirga
Technical Support to Muslahathi Committees (MC), Dispute Resolution Council (DRC)(Citizen-Police liaison Committees) regarding Conflict Resolution, Record Keeping, Mediation, Arbitration and Reconciliation.
Monitoring & Evaluation of the activities and decision of the MCs for further extension of the project to settle and tribal areas of Pakistan.
sharing border with Afghanistan (Funded by The Asia Foundation)
Main theme of the project
- Under this agreement the Inspector General of NWFP Police will ensure when and if first time criminal or family cases of a petty nature are reported at the police stations in the target districts will be brought forward for reconciliation before the reconciliation communities facilitated by Just Peace International.
- The Asia Foundation would provide support by providing financial assistance outlined in the L/A to Just Peace International and facilitate the overall activity.
- Just Peace International will form reconciliation committees in Abbott bad and Peshawar districts wherever these do not exist and will further build the capacity of reconciliation committees wherever they exist in legal issues, reconciliation techniques, counseling etc.
- Just Peace International also will focus its activities in the Frontier Regions adjacent to Peshawar district and train jirga members in dispute resolution techniques as well as legal boundaries within which such alternative dispute resolution mechanisms must work.
Major Activities
- Capacity Building & Technical Support to Police & Provincial Based NGOs regarding Alternative Dispute Resolution and Community Policing (Arbakai/Shalgon/Swarlishta – Traditional Community Policing methods with the Modern Concept).
- ToT Trainings to Community Based Trainers for further capacity building of community based organizations.
(Funded by UNICEF & European Commission)
Project Goal:
JJRP contributes “The overall objective is to support the development of a comprehensive juvenile justice system in Pakistan to address and prevent juvenile delinquency while respecting the dignity and rights of children”.
Specific Objectives:
Develop structures for the diversion of children and juveniles from the formal criminal justice system and address the causes of juvenile delinquency;
Areas of Intervention: The project is implemented in District Mardan & Peshawar of NWFP on pilot basis.
Major Activities
- Facilitate & divert Juvenile petty nature cases from formal justice system to Community based/family group conference of Restorative Justice System.
- Empowering community based indigenous structure through induction of RJ element.
- Social rehabilitation of Juvenile through community based rehabilitation program.
The overall objective of the project is to support the rehabilitation of the victim of torture and contribute to the prevention of torture in KPK.
The specific objectives of the project are:
- To support the social and economic re-integration of the victim of torture.
- Build the capacity of the State authorities and local NGOs active in the field of rehabilitation of victim of torture in NWFP so as to contribute the achievement of the overall objectives

Activities are including:
- Trainings for local NGOs and State Agencies/ publication of a manual addressed to the front desk officer of state agencies.
- Awareness raising campaign/publication of newsletter/information session
- Discussion meeting and round tables
- media Campaign
- Development of a Network of volunteers that will be the actively involved and support the objectives of the project.
- Identification of Victims of Torture patients
1. Counseling and treatment of victim of torture patients.
2. Provision of Medicines.
The Project is funded by European Commission
8: Social Rehabilitation Victim of Torture Promotional Materials

9: Sixteen Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence
Community Development Unit CAR –UNHCR with Just peace International arranged various activities in refugee and IDPs camps of NWFP to highlight the issues under Gender Based Violence in the community, and sensitized the target population elders and women in particular to cater for human and women rights.
Gender Based Violence includes physical, mental, or social abuse that is directed against a person because of his or her gender role in a society or culture. Examples include:
- A girl is not allowed to go to school because of gender role expectations in the family (housekeeping, cooking, care of children, etc.);
- A girl or woman is required to marry against her will according to local custom; or
- A woman or girl is prevented from freely walking around in her own community because of cultural practices that require women to be accompanied by a male when in public.
- Early Marriages
- Domestic violence
- Child Labour
- Selling of girls
- Sawara/giving females in enmity
- Participation in decision making
- Honor killing
- General discrimination
- Control on personal earning etc.
Game is the easiest way to disseminate information to the masses at different level. Youth are taking interest in the modern games like volleyball, football, cricket etc. To include the traditional decision maker to watch and see the games needs special attention as they are the decision makers allow the youth to play. If the games are such where they can also take part or related to their field of interest like farming, old traditions, then such games are the one that can be taken as focal point for the general population to share the knowledge, educate the people at all level. Just peace Adopt such methods in the traditional society of tribal area and afghan refugees camp to educate the general public through traditional games regarding peaceful co-existence, Drug-HIV/AIDS awareness, violence against women, Honor killing, Girls education though Makha,(arrow & bow competition, Jalsa(Bull competition on Persian wheel, Kabbidi, theater etc.
(A joint venture of Oxfam GB and Just Peace International Pakistan)
‘We Can’ Goals
- To create a fundamental shift in the attitudes beliefs and behaviors of women and men that support and perpetuate VAW
- To reduce the social acceptance and incidence of HK
- To reduce incidence rate of HK by 30 percent.
‘We Can’ Objectives
- To bring together and strengthen civil society entities & local government organisations working on HK issues
- To generate a common and visible stand against HK, shared and projected by civil society and communities
- To influence decision makers to institute, implement and strengthen policies and programmes to protect at-risk groups of women and their families.
12;“CAPACITY BUILDING OF THE EARTHQUAKE AFFECTEES IN SHANGLA DISTRICT” the project implemented by JPI jointly with European perspective; funded by Greece Ministry for foreign Affairs.
Capacity Building of Earth Quake affectless regarding:
- Early Recovery, Rescue Operation, First aid and Rehabilitation processes.
- Social Development & Wound Recovery
- Disaster management
- Social Mobilization
1500 Individuals including, Government organizations, local government members, teachers, youth, students, women and local community members were trained and sensitized.
- PROVISION OF WATER SUPPLY, SANITATION AND HYGIENE PROMOTION in 6 Union Councils of Upper Swat and 4 Union councils of Tehsil Matta
- The purpose of the project was to reduce diarrhea rate in targeted areas by:
- Installation of 200 Pour Flush Twin Pit Latrines.
- Water Supply Schemes including repair and maintenance of existing Water Supply Schemes.
- Health Hygiene Education to community and school/college students including youth and children.
- Capacity building of CBOs/Cos regarding safe disposal of Excreta and O & M of Water Supply Schemes.
Project Duration & Findings:
It was 1 year project funded by European Perspective (EP).
A contractual/consulting assignment of environmental sanitation and solid waste management program was carried out for (former) Municipal Corporation Peshawar.
TRAINING PROGRAM ON WATER & ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION (WES) and O&M of the water supply schemes was conducted in southern districts of the province for Barani Area Development Project (BADP-II)
- Rescue operation
- One month labor & Professional Services (Group of 25 International Volunteers including Doctors, Engineers, Nurses, Plumbers, Carpenters, Mechanics and Social workers served the affected communities in Balakot)
- Provision of 100 Shelters (Tents)to 100 families
- Provision of 1000 Food Packages & NFI to 1000 families
- Provision of 1000 Hygiene Kits and 2000 Jerry cans to 1000 families.
- Capacity building of earthquake affected communities regarding disaster management, Rescue operation, Social development & Wound Recovery, Social Mobilization and skill development.
Just Peace international (JPI) responded to Flood affected people of District peshawar and Khyber Agency. JPI provided 250 Shelters (tent s), 400 Hygiene Kits and 4000 food packages to 400 families of Town IV Peshawar and Jumrud, Khyber Agency.
Beside Provision of hard items, JPI organized training workshops for locals of Khyber agency on Disaster Management and Rescue Operations for 75 participants. Trainings on “Social Development and Wound Recovery” were organized for 110 participants in Khyber Agency.
JPI responded immediately to IDPs of Swat/Bajour and Bunir. JPI Provided 100 tents to IDPs who were living with host population in Union council Rorya and Muslim abad of District Mardan. 200 sets of NFIs were distributed among 200 families in Union council Muslimabad, Mardan. 600 Food Packages were distributed in 600 house holds of Union Council Shek Khan Kaley and Ismaila of District Swabi. 5000 Jerry cans were provided to 2500 IDPs families in Muslimabad, rorya, Sawaldher Union Councils of District Mardan and Ismaila, Karnal Sher Khan Kaley and Kala of District Swabi. 500 Hygiene Kits were provided to 500 IDPs families in above UCs of District Mardan. Note books, children play books, pencils, eraser, Sharpeners and toys were provided to 2000 children of under 12 years.
On the Sunday morning of August 16, 2009, at 6 A M Flash Floods hit the areas of District SWABI and MARDAN. There is no big river but due to heavy rains on the mountains nearby and deposited rain water starts flood from Narangi Drain Swabi. The Flash Flood left demages in UC Kalu Khan, Adeena and Ismaila of District Swabi while affected Shahbaz Ghari, Garyala, Muhib Banda of District Mardan.
JPI Response:
JPI immediately responded flood affected people. At 11 AM JPI Rescue Team was on board at UC ismaila and rescued four persons, 13 live stock including buffalos and cows etc. As food grains were flown with flood JPI arranged cooked food for 2500 individuals at lunch and dinner time.
JPI Distribution
JPI distributed;
50 Tents among flood affectees of UC ismaila
500 Food Packages
500 Hygiene Kits
2000 Jerry cans to 1000 families
10000 Aqua tabs packets
80 feet tarpulin sheet /House Hold; provided to 60 House Holds.
Media is the most effective tool for awareness raising and highlighting social issues of under privileged communities.
Print and electronic media are used by JPI for awareness campaign & highlighting social issues through live discussions, TV short and long play on Dug/HIV-AIDS awareness, Domestic violence, Co- existence, and Honor Killing. Weekly program under the title, “HOW It’s HAPPENED” thirteen episode on the social, legal, psychological , religious and traditional aspect of community based conflict on land, children, ego, shame, honor, women, wealth for Pakistan Television Peshawar center. JPI Published 90 articles in different local English, Urdu, Pustho newspapers on social issues while more than 20 articles are published internationally.
TV Dramas/ Play
TV- Drama on HIV/AIDS and IDUs (injectable Drug Users), Telecasted five (5) times from Pakistan Television (PTV) Peshawar Centre.
TV DRAMA ASTAZE (The Messenger)
TV- Drama highlighting issues regarding Domestic Violence and Conflict Transformation, Telecasted Eleven (11) times from Pakistan Television (PTV) Peshawar Centre.
TV-Dram on Honor killing, it is in progress once complete, it will be telecasted from Pakistan Television Peshawar Centre and TV Channel AVT Khyber.
TV-Talk Show on Informal Justice System in Pakistan especially in Pakhtoon Society. History, Role of JIRGA in Conflict transformation and its relation with Restorative Justice System.
Audio Message
Restorative Justice System
JPI produced Audio Message highlighting Conflict transformation through Alternate dispute resolution (Restorative Justice System). The Audio message raise awareness among communities to refer petty nature cases to mediation centers and Musalihati Jirgas for reconciliation.
Audio Message
JJRP-Diversion (Juvenile Justice Reforms in Pakistan through Diversion)
Audio message produced to highlight Juvenile issues and its reforms through diversion and Restorative Justice System.
INTERVIEWS with Community Elders, Social Political leaders of peace building related Issues
SERVANTS OF GOD (Khudaye Khidmatgar),
- Like Gandhi in Hinduism, Martin Luther king, jr., in Christianity, Ghaffar khan and his servant of God demonstrated conclusively that non violence-love in action-is deeply consonant with a vigorous, resurgent Islam. Khan’s simplicity, deep faith, and selfless service represent the Islamic traditions at its purest and most enduring.
- To gain independence Khan once explained, two types of movements were launched in our province ….The violent movement (the uprising before 1919) created hatred in the heart of the people against violence. But the nonviolent movement won love, affection and sympathy of the people…if the Britisher were killed during the violent uprising, not only the culprit was punished, but the whole village and entire region suffered for it. The people held the violence and its doer responsible for repression. In the nonviolent movement we courted self-suffering…. Thus, it won love and sympathy of the people.
- Ghaffar khan organized one hundred thousand non-violent solider, they called themselves the Khudai khadmathgar, “the servants of God.”Their motto was freedom, their aim, and service since God himself needed no service, they would serve their people. The khudai khadmathgar, under the leadership of Abdul Ghaffar khan, became history’s first professional nonviolent army-and it’s most improbable. Any Pathan could join, provided he took the army’s oath:
- For a Pathan, an oath is not a small matter. He does not enter into a vow easily because once given, a Pathan word cannot be broken.

Just peace intends to document the live stories of the movement for the education of youth and the general public. In this regard, JPI has interviewed a few servants of God (Khudaye Khidmatgars) while others are in progress.

A research study on Informal Justice System in Pakhtoon Culture of Pakistan & Afghanistan. Funded by United State Institute of Peace (USIP).
Research Study was published in form of Book.
The purpose of the study was to understand Jirga in Pakhtoon tradition, its positive and negative impacts and recommendation/suggestions for its reformation.
Book launched. “A little book of Restorative Justice” first Authored by the pioneer of Restorative Justice Professor. Howard Zehr, Director conflict transformation EMU, VA rewrite by Mr. Ali Gohar from Just Peace in Pak-Afghan Context.1000 copies of the book were published for three times and provided to the CSO in Pakistan and Afghanistan free of cost.
A brief history of Restorative justice system and its contribution in conflict resolution and transformation are included in this book. Also comparison of Formal Justice System and Restorative Justice System has been mentioned in book.
WHO LEARNS FROM WHOM (Pakhtoon Tradition in Modern Perspective)
Pakhtoon traditions, various costums in pakhtoon culture, its impacton society. Mr. Ali Gohar discussed pakhtoon institutions like Jumaat (Mosque), Hujra (Community centre) and JIRGA (Elders Cabinet) as main learning institutions of Pakhtoons and these have a very positive impact on society. Different customs like Wado (marriage), Janaza (funeral), Ashar (Social Work) etc are discussed in book.
The Pukhtoon Hujra An informal institution for learning.
Recently JPI in collaboration with UNICEF, UNDP and UNIFEM has initiated this study.
The Informal Justice Systems provide an important thread in the fabric of our societies, for, no single society can rely totally on the formal justice system and no formal justice system can take care of many of the grass roots issues arising out of social interactions of people. For this reason the articulation of Informal Justice Systems is now studied under the subject of Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR).
This study will cover the following:
- Review of comparative practices in traditional practices of selected countries around the world (India, USA)
- An assessment will be conducted in the most relevant regions of the country’s provinces and will be the model of ADR under practice in each province. These areas / regions will be identified after the desk review.
- Mapping of their history, quantum of practice, records of proceedings and analysis of the sub-practices involved etc
- Identification and alignment of the right practices with the legal and judicial system of the country and standards of Human Rights.
- This study will also look into the best possible ways of cleaning up the longstanding cases pending in courts.
- Recommendations for optimum utilization of ADR practices by the Judicial Officers and Police as allowed under the law.
- Recommendations on how the informal justice system can be synchronized with the formal justice system of the country.
Capacity building of NGOs in Hungry, Poland, and Czech Republic for mobilization support of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs.) funded by European Commission.

In the framework of the project “Capacity Building of NGOs in Hungry, Poland & Czech Republic for mobilization support of MDGs”
JPI Role:
Awareness raising regarding MGDs in Pakistani Civil Society organizations
Highlight Pakistani Civil Society Organizations efforts in target countries
Advocacy/lobbing with national & international stakeholders along with Networking, Coordination, promotion and awareness raising.
Target Countries:
Hungry, Poland, Czech Republic, Pakistan, Mali and argentine
The World is One Creature

Italy, Spain, Malta, Germany, Nepal, India, Liberia, Indonesia, Colombia and Pakistan
The project aims to develop a research on and an exchange of the principal good practices used by youth organizations from Italy, Spain, Malta, Germany , Nepal, India, Liberia, Indonesia, Pakistan and Colombia in the field of fight against racism and xenophobia. The project activities are a kick off meeting, a research, its practical application (job shadowings) and result dissemination (Seminars). The transversal activities aim to give a great and stable character to the exchange of good practices through: national and international Networks, a Platform and specific materials.
For more information please visit:
Tools for Equal Sustainable Development
(Youth in Action Programme – 3.2 funded by European Commission)
Project has been approved recently in September 2009. Project description, aim, and activities are available on JPI
- Two training were arranged for female activists on gender and non-violence at Nowshera district
- Non-violent communication (NVC) –training was arranged for the staff and
- Student of Mass communication department. Peshawar University
- Survey was conducted, training were arranged on Strengthening Democracy through Woman Participation in Federally Administered Tribal Area, funded by UNDP.
- Conducted a series of capacity building training workshops for SEED’s Staff and master trainers in charsadda district.
- EIROP-UNDP – training conducted on gender mainstreaming and human rights, district workshop at 12 district of NWFP.
- Training arranged for Afghan Refugees –Kohat and Bajour Agency- on coexistence, for afghan commissioner ate social welfare field workers/staff
- Conducted first conflict transformation and peace building training for the traditional elders, elected counselor of Orakzai Agency, Arranged by Political Agent Orakzai FATA Govt. of NWFP Pakistan.
- Arranged resource persons from Just Peace to various NGO’s for trainings, Seminars and workshops in peace building, Restorative justice
- Resource person was provided for capacity building workshop organized by Social Welfare directorate of NWFP for south, central and northern NGO’s for capacity building in social work projects implementation.
- Conducted a series of Capacity building training workshops for UNDP, LPRP-Lachi on Poverty Reduction Project for its CBOs and community activists Kohat District.
- Capacity building of staff and partners of UNICEF on restorative justice system at dropping centre of Mardan and Peshawar districts .The project was funded by UNICEF.
- Conducted a series of training workshops on Peaceful Co-existence for UNHCR Jalalabad Afghanistan’s staff, Implementing Partners and government officials.
- Conducted first conflict transformation and peace building training for the traditional elders, elected counselor of Orakzai Agency, Arranged by Political Agent Orakzai FATA Govt. of Khyber Pukhthoon-Khwa Pakistan
- Conducted training on peace building, conflict transformation for the journalist from Pakistan/Afghanistan arranged by Inter–news.
- Manual and reference book was developed, training was delivered to twenty five, trainer of trainer of the government of Afghanistan
- Delivery of services for Malario Metric survey in 3 districts of NWFP and 3 agencies of FATA. The program is funded by federal Ministry of Health Government of Pakistan.
- A study on Tetanus Toxoide in Pregnant Women under World Bank assisted Second Family Health Project Government of Punjab, was conducted in all districts of the Province.
- Pakistan Polio Eradication Initiative, a 3rd party independent monitoring was carried out in 22 districts and seven agencies including frontier regions of the province for 4 years in the province. The project was funded by WHO.
- Conducted a study on ‘Assessment & Evaluation of Health Management Information System (HMIS) in 10 district of NWFP for first Level Care facilities under the Ministry of Health & USAID assisted Pakistan HMIS Project.
- An assessment of the blood banks in selected health facilities in NWFP regarding screening of blood for HIV/AIDS was conducted.The projected was assisted by the WORLD BANK.
“Improved Child Health in FATA”( A House hold survey in Khyber, Mohmand , Orakzai ,Bajawar,Kurrum North & South Waziristan was conducted,( a USAID Funded project).