Post Promotion Training KP- Judicial Academy
3rd Week of Post-Promotion Training for Senior Civil Judges/Aala Illaqa Qazis (26th September to 15th October, 2022).
Well-being of a judicial officer is vital to the delivery of justice in courts. To gain better understanding of the concept of self- awareness for interpersonal management a discourse on “Judicial Well-being” was arranged by inviting clinical psychologist. Participants gained an insight into skills like Mindfulness, Principle of Non J.A.R. (Non Judgmental, Nonattachment & Non Resistant). Other key discourses comprised of; Orientation on Financial Codes, Judicial functions of Senior Civil Judges, and avoiding gender stereotypes in judicial decision-making.
A full day was also dedicated to One-Day discourses on the Human Rights of Refugees in Pakistan’s Context, in collaboration with SHARP Organization. The focus of the activity was the International Legal Framework on Rights of Refugees in Pakistan’s context and initiatives undertaken by the Government of Pakistan, UNHCR, SHAARP and Afghan Commissionerate. ADR and restorative justice concept.Recorded lecture by Mr. Ali Gohar from the UK.
The concluding ceremony was held on 15th October 2022. Director General KPJA congratulated participants on the completion of training and wished them the best of luck in their future endeavors.