About Us
Just Peace Initiatives (JPI) is a Non Governmental Organization registered under registration 06828920 with HMRC United Kingdom. The organization works for the “Promotion of building a just civil society based on justice and peace through conflict transformation methods and harnessing the creative energies of the poor and underprivileged”. This aim is achieved with the close collaboration of partner communities and organizations through a participatory demand-responsive, gender, and poverty-sensitive integrated development approach.
The Founder
Ali Gohar (Wikipedia) is the founder of Just Peace Initiatives, a non-profit working for peace and justice through conflict transformation practices. After receiving a Masters degree in International Relations from Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, he was a Fulbright Scholar at Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA. There, Gohar collaborated with Howard Zehr on The little book of restorative justice for the Pakistan-Afghan context (Zehr & Gohar, 2003). He has also written a book and a number of articles on Jirga (Gohar & Schirch, 2016; Yousufzai & Gohar, 2012). Gohar has written four plays for television on honour killing, restorative justice, domestic violence and HIV/drug awareness, which have been used by the UN and civil society organisations in Pakistan and Afghanistan and are now on YouTube. He was Additional Commissioner, Social Welfare Cell for Afghan Refugees for thirteen years. Gohar has also worked with Oxfam UK to end honour killings and address violence against women and has served as a training specialist and technical advisor to the Ministry of Social Affairs in Afghanistan.